
consequent [ˈkɒnsɪkwənt]  [ˈkɑnsɪˌkwɛnt] 


consequent 基本解释


形容词随之发生的; 必然的,合乎逻辑的; 继起的; [地]顺向的

名词结果; [逻]后件,结论; [数]后项; [语](条件结构中的)结果子句

consequent 相关例句


1. A severe flood struck the city and there was a consequent shortage of food.

2. His long illness and consequent absence put him far behind in his work.

3. The rise in price was consequent on the failure of the crops.

consequent 网络解释

1. 后项:在这种系统中,通常称每个if部分为前项(antecedent),称每个then部分为后项(consequent). 在基于规则系统中,每个if可能与某断言(assertion)集中的一个或多个断言匹配,then部分用于规定放入工作内存的新断言. 当then部分用于规定动作时,

2. 结论:对不同类的资料数量造成的误差,attributecost指的是对每个资料属性的考虑,misclassification costs指是对规则的有趣性要考虑到分错类时的成本,asymmetry in classification rules指的是对规则的前题和结论(consequent)对称性的考虑.

3. 結果:i自我驳斥法:通常人们都单纯地以为个体的情绪、行为反应或结果(consequent),是受到引发事件(activating event)的刺激所产生的反应,而认为引发事件是「因」,情绪、行为反应或结果是「果」.

consequent 词典解释

1. 因之而起的;作为结果的
    Consequent means happening as a direct result of an event or situation.

    e.g. The warming of the Earth and the consequent climatic changes affect us all...
    e.g. The changes in social work consequent upon reorganization have been considerable.

consequent 单语例句

1. So far, severe water and soil erosion and the consequent ecological degradation have not been slowed.

2. With economic growth and consequent rapid increase of State revenue, it is natural that the central government should establish such a pension system.

3. Agrometeorological experts have warned citizens in the affected regions to guard against sharp temperature drop and consequent frozen road surface.

4. But the manager of a jeans manufacturing firm in suburban Guangzhou is more worried by the consequent higher costs.

5. Consequent squeezed investment returns are also expected to keep some oil dealers prudent in their market operations.

6. He noted that the knee trouble in such cases appears very early, " with the consequent possibility of surgical removal of the cancer ".

7. Zhuolu is fighting for a share of the fame of the Yellow Emperor and the consequent tourism boost that would create.

8. That will also end the global iron ore shortage, and the consequent oversupply will weigh on iron ore prices.

9. And a direct result of consequent position adjustments sowed the seed of a global financial crisis.

10. consequent的反义词

10. Foreign brands quit the Chinese mainland market in the wake of the establishment of the PRC and consequent Western blockade.

consequent 英英释义


1. consequent什么意思

1. following or accompanying as a consequence

    e.g. an excessive growth of bureaucracy, with attendant problems
           snags incidental to the changeover in management
           attendant circumstances
           the period of tension and consequent need for military preparedness
           the ensuant response to his appeal
           the resultant savings were considerable

    Synonym: attendant accompanying concomitant incidental ensuant resultant sequent
