
consenting [kən'sentɪŋ]  [kən'sentɪŋ] 







consenting 基本解释
同意的;允许;同意( consent的现在分词 );赞成;顺从;
consenting 网络解释


1. 同意的:nurse a constituency 笼络选区的选民 | consenting 同意的 | passive hemolysis 被动溶血

consenting 单语例句

1. The AU Commission received on July 26 the requisite number of member states affirmation consenting to the admission of South Sudan to the African Union.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. " The other part of the couple may not be consenting to the erection, " Gagnon said.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. While screening minors from explicit sexual content is to be welcomed, sexting between consenting adults is a different matter and privacy laws should protect people's rights.

4. They should have asked for a photograph before consenting to the gift.

5. Under the proposed changes to be debated on October 22, oral and anal sex between consenting heterosexual adults will no longer be considered an offense.

6. The changes include making oral and anal sex between consenting heterosexual adults no longer an offense.

7. Should they charge these consenting adults with a legal offence, or should they stand trial in a moral court?

8. Yet many policies still govern what consenting adults can and cannot do in private, say sexologists.

9. Of course, it can also be argued that Chen's conduct only involved consenting adults.

10. Anthony was taken into custody, booked and later released after consenting to a blood test.

consenting 英英释义


1. consenting的意思

1. having given consent

    e.g. consenting adults
