1. 血缘的:consanguine 同血亲的 | consanguineous 血缘的 | consanguinity 血缘
2. 同源的:conrotatory 顺旋 | consanguineous 同源的 | consanguinity association 同源组合
3. 同源岩浆的:同源岩浆的 comagmatic | 同源岩浆的 consanguineous | 同源岩浆区 comagmatic region
4. 血亲的/血缘的/同族的:conquistador /西班牙征服者/征服者/ | consanguineous /血亲的/血缘的/同族的/ | consanguinity /血亲/血缘/同族/
1. The court deemed the marriage invalid since Liu and Tan were closely consanguineous.
1. related by blood
Synonym: akin(p) blood-related cognate consanguine consanguineal kin(p)