
connivance [kəˈnaɪvəns]  [kəˈnaɪvəns] 

connivance 基本解释



connivance 网络解释


1. (纵容):chimpanzee (黑猩猩) | connivance (纵容) | coyness (羞怯)

2. 默许:congruity#一致 | connivance#默许 | conscience#良心

3. 假装不见, 纵容, 默许:conniption || 歇斯底里 | connivance || 假装不见, 纵容, 默许 | connive || 默许, 纵容, 暗中合作, 密谋策划

4. 默许/纵容/假装不见:conniption /歇斯底里/ | connivance /默许/纵容/假装不见/ | connive /假装不见/默许/共谋/纵容/

connivance 词典解释

1. 纵容;默许;共谋
    Connivance is a willingness to allow or assist something to happen even though you know it is wrong.

    e.g. The deficit had grown with the connivance of the banks...
    e.g. The goods were exported with official connivance.

connivance 单语例句

1. connivance

1. Rampant illegal land acquisition and use is widespread in the country, often with the connivance of local officials.

2. At a time when the two sides should step up negotiations, the Japanese government's connivance in domestic rightist extremism is further complicating the already serious situation.

3. Such a system does not exclude the possibility of connivance of the guilty, especially with the influence of defending attorneys'professional skills.

4. The Taiwan authorities'feverish fantasy of independence would not have run so rampant without US connivance.

5. But the friendship should not become an excuse for its connivance with its neighbor's unchecked nuclear activity.

6. Priority education is actually a compromise and even connivance to the unlawful discrimination against women in employment.

7. The second problem is local government connivance and collaboration in hiking the price of buildings.

8. Illegal occupation and use of land is widespread in the country, often in connivance with local officials.

9. Such a stance is essentially connivance with Japan's militarism and aggression and could embolden Tokyo to take more provocative action with dire consequences.

connivance 英英释义


1. (law) tacit approval of someone's wrongdoing

    Synonym: secret approval tacit consent

2. connivance在线翻译

2. agreement on a secret plot

    Synonym: collusion
