1. 接插件:关于香港嘉盛科技有限公司营业部的相关介绍: 本公司成立于1990年,主要从事各类电子零件的生产及出口,包括端子座(Terminal Blocks)、接线端子(Solderless Terminals)、接插件(Connectors)、连接线(Wire Harnes)、及放电管(Surge Arresters).业务遍及欧美各国,
2. 连接词:连接手段,或叫语篇纽带,经常用的有(logical)逻辑、(grammatical)语法和(semantic)语义三方面的连接词(connectors). 内容提示:雅思写作,雅思(IELTS)写作,雅思考试写作部分概述与评分标准,雅思大作文常见论点总结,在线学日语,日语在线学习,
3. 插接器:Connector Clip 接插件 | connectors 插接器 | consensus seqence 一致顺序
1. Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd is the largest private company in Taiwan and is among the world's leading manufacturer of connectors and cable assemblies.
2. But as Motorola's product shows, it's also the connectors on the phone that can make an app phone sublime.
3. Suffredini later noted that the connectors are prone to trouble, and that the leak is not entirely surprising.
4. Between the government and citizens the NGOs are in greater demand by society and have more space to grow as connectors.