1. 會:当木星、金星、月亮会(conjunct)在一起的时候,木星通常有扩张的效应,金星有外在的彰显,像是食衣住行、娱乐、爱情、物质生活的层面,月亮也代表著内心的情海、直觉性的潜意识,所以在这短暂的两三天内,可以有一些大幅度的庆祝、情绪上的抒发、情爱的表达等,
2. 连接性副词:修饰性副词 adjunct | 连接性副词 conjunct | 疑问副词 interrogative adverb
3. 结合的:conjugation 结合 | conjunct 结合的 | conjunction 联合
4. 结合:conjugate movement 共轭活动 | conjunct 结合 | conjunction 合取
1. conjunct什么意思
1. progressing melodically by intervals of a second
e.g. conjunct motion of an ascending scale
2. involving the joint activity of two or more
e.g. concerted action
the conjunct influence of fire and strong wind
the conjunctive focus of political opposition
a cooperative effort
a united effort
joint military activities
Synonym: concerted conjunctive cooperative
3. bound in close association
e.g. conjunct influences
conjunct ideas