1. 接合:接合 接合(conjugation)是细菌通过性菌毛相互连接沟通,将遗传物质(主要是质粒DNA)从供体菌转移给受体菌. 能通过接合方式转移的质粒称为接合性质粒,主要包括F质粒、R质粒、Col质粒和毒力质粒等,不能通过性菌毛在细菌间转移的质粒为非接合性质粒.
2. 结合:肝脏内的生物转化反应主要可分为氧化(oxidation)、还原(reduction)、水解(hydrolysis)与结合(conjugation)等四种反应类型. 葡萄糖醛酸结合是最为重要和普遍的结合方式. 尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖醛酸(UDPGA)为葡萄糖醛酸的活性供体,由糖醛酸循环产生.
3. 接合[作用]:DNA重组 接合作用 (conjugation)(recA) 分支迁移 (recA)内切酶 (ruvC) 内切酶可接合质粒如 F 因子(F factor)位点特异重组(site-specific recombination) 是由整合酶催化,在两个DNA序列的特异位点间发生的整合.
4. 接合生殖:有性生殖为接合生殖(conjugation),多发生在春季或秋季. 繁殖时两条丝状平等靠近,在两细胞相对的一侧相互发生突起,突起渐伸长而接触,于是接触的壁消失,连接成管,称为接合管. 两条丝状体之间可以形成多个横列的接合管,
1. the act of making or becoming a single unit
e.g. the union of opposing factions
he looked forward to the unification of his family for the holidays
Synonym: union unification uniting jointure
2. the act of pairing a male and female for reproductive purposes
e.g. the casual couplings of adolescents
the mating of some species occurs only in the spring
Synonym: coupling mating pairing union sexual union
3. a class of verbs having the same inflectional forms
4. the complete set of inflected forms of a verb
5. the inflection of verbs
6. the state of being joined together
Synonym: junction conjunction colligation