1. 国会议员:华盛顿的国会大楼里,奇奇有个当国会议员(Congressman)的叔叔. 称呼是叔叔,只不过是同一个姓(也就是同一个LastName),其实血缘隔着几丈远. 认真说起来,叔叔的爷爷和奇奇爸爸的爷爷才是亲兄弟.
2. 美國眾議員:第二段对话则更清楚的透过代表下个世代的年轻美国众议员(congressman)的口中,谴责欧洲所谓的贵族绅士们只会躲在深宫大院当中,在餐桌上,而非街头,处理攸关芸芸众生的国家大事.
3. 国会议员, 众议院议员:summary of material returned 退料汇总表 | congressman 国会议员, 众议院议员 | altricious 长期护理的
4. 议员先生:oh,watch out for your tie. there you go.|哦 小心你的领带 好了 | congressman?|议员先生? | i'll come back.|我待会再来
1. (美国)男国会议员,(尤指)男众议员
A Congressman is a male member of the US Congress, especially of the House of Representatives.
1. One widely circulated YouTube clip of a town hall meeting showed a Republican congressman getting booed for saying Obama is a citizen.
2. congressman是什么意思
2. US congressman Al Green extended congratulation on the opening of the Chinese book fair in Houston.
3. Budget expert and former Republican Congressman Bill Frenzel says time is running out.
4. Drexel and her husband uploaded the video of the screening onto YouTube, generating huge interest and prompting sharp criticism from a congressman involved in security issues.
5. The movie will see Norton playing a congressman whose speedy political rise is threatened by an investigation into the death of his mistress.
6. He said that helped push Cao to victory over Jefferson, who became Louisiana's first black congressman since Reconstruction when he took office in 1991.
7. 911查询·英语单词
7. And in one of the few reminders of Jackson's darkest hours, a New York congressman branded Jackson a " pervert " undeserving of so much attention.
8. There was more bad news from Washington where congressman Joe Baca said he was shelving plans to award Woods the prestigious Congressional Gold Medal.
9. 911查询·英语单词
9. Andrew Cuomo has the authority to call a special election to fill the seat once the congressman submits his resignation.
10. Another of his first acts as a freshman congressman in early 2007 was to introduce the slavery apology resolution.
1. a member of the United States House of Representatives
Synonym: congresswoman representative