
congregation [ˌkɒŋgrɪˈgeɪʃn]  [ˌkɑ:ŋgrɪˈgeɪʃn] 


congregation 基本解释

名词集会; 集合; (教堂里的)会众; 人群

congregation 相关例句


1. The preacher addressed a congregation of more than one thousand people.

2. The preacher blessed the congregation after his sermon.

3. A great congregation of birds flew overhead.

congregation 网络解释

1. 集合:congregate 聚集 | congregation 集合 | Congregational Church 公理教会

congregation 词典解释

1. congregation

1. 教堂会众
    The people who are attending a church service or who regularly attend a church service are referred to as the congregation .

    e.g. Most members of the congregation begin arriving a few minutes before services.

congregation 单语例句

1. congregation什么意思

1. The pontiff told the congregation of his happiness at visiting the cathedral, adding that it was a day " which centuries and generations have awaited ".


2. The congregation also has provided sanctuary for political refugees, fed the homeless and founded a chapter of the ACLU.

3. But its precious Torah rolls were damaged and rabbis as well as congregation members were seized and deported to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp.

4. It was not clear if the suspect was part of the congregation.

5. congregation

5. No doubt the impending election will be on their minds when cardinals hold their first congregation Monday to begin planning the pontiff's funeral.

6. Synagogue members suggested their building after hearing the Muslim congregation was looking to rent a place for overflow crowds.

7. Luoyang is a new industrial base in China, famous for its strong heavy industrial strength and congregation of large factories.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. He led services for younger members of its congregation, reports quoted people who knew him as saying.

9. Leigh Powers and Laura Patey exchanged vows in 1995, affirming their love in a Holy Union ceremony before a church congregation.

10. " Members of the congregation must open their bags for checks before entering the mosque, " he said.

congregation 英英释义


1. the act of congregating

    Synonym: congregating

2. an assemblage of people or animals or things collected together

    e.g. a congregation of children pleaded for his autograph
           a great congregation of birds flew over

3. congregation是什么意思

3. a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church

    Synonym: fold faithful
