1. 符合规定:完全不溶Practically insoluble | 符合规定Conforms | 符合规定Conforms
2. (顺从):Expects(期待) | Conforms(顺从) | Fluidity(流动)
1. " The charge conforms with current policies and regulations, " a People's Bank of China spokesman said Monday via its website.
2. The compensation conforms with China's civil aviation regulations, the company said.
3. Making the South China Sea a sea of peace conforms to the general development trend and is a common interest of China and the ASEAN.
4. The reform conforms with the country's strategy to retreat the State economy from those common sectors while holding on to those economic lifelines.
5. Boosting harmony and affinity across the Taiwan Straits is a tendency supported by compatriots and conforms with universal law.
6. The western economy's development puts emphasis on the domestic market, which conforms to the government's policy of expanding domestic demand to overcome the crisis.
7. This conforms to China's commitment to developing relations with Africa based on equality and mutual benefit.
8. He said China's managed floating exchange rate system conforms to the realities of China and it will continue for a long time to come.
9. conforms
9. Working extra hours conforms with Chinese traditional values of diligence and hard work.
10. danci.911cha.com
10. What they mentioned reflects the implementation of the Action Plan and fully conforms to the assessment and opinions given by the Assessment Report.