
confidant [ˈkɒnfɪdænt]  [ˈkɑ:nfɪdænt] 


confidant 基本解释


confidant 网络解释

1. 红颜:05、当爱情经过的时候 When love pass | 06、红颜 Confidant | 07、值得一辈子去爱 Worth to love the whole life

2. 知己:comrade=同志; | confidant=知己; | partner=伙伴;

3. 密友:confessional disturbance 供述障碍 | confidant 密友 | confidence 信心

4. 心腹朋友, 知己:confessor || 自白者, 为信教而被迫害的教徒 | confidant || 心腹朋友, 知己 | confidante || 知己的女友

confidant 词典解释

1. 男性知己(或密友)
    Someone's confidant is a man who they are able to discuss their private problems with.

    e.g. ...a close confidant of the president.

confidant 单语例句

1. Paul Burrell was Princess Diana's butler, but he was also her confidant.

2. A court sentenced a political confidant of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to 120 hours of community service yesterday for forcibly kissing a woman.

3. The former foreign minister was a close confidant of Gadhafi and privy to all the inner workings of the regime.

4. Tong's research is more genuine and reliable because he is considered a confidant of gay interviewees.

5. Also visiting Cuba was socialist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, another close friend and confidant of Fidel Castro.

6. A Sharon confidant said he would make his first moves by Thursday.

7. confidant

7. He was a confidant of the Kennedys, and served in President Kennedy's administration.

8. confidant

8. He had been Revolutionary Command Council vice chairman and a longtime Saddam confidant.

9. His new CEO confidant and coaching business Xinfu sometimes involves him having three to four advisory sessions with industry leaders.

confidant 英英释义


1. someone to whom private matters are confided

    Synonym: intimate
