
confer [kənˈfɜ:(r)]  [kənˈfɚ]





confer 基本解释


及物动词授予,颁与; 比较,对照


confer 网络解释

1. 协商:离开就切除(ablate),出口在通风(ventilate),向前变椭圆(prolate),两边在扩散(dilate),共同来核对(collate)共同套他为曲解(contort),共同踹他为悔恨(contrite),共同带来为协商(confer),共同坚定为确认(confirm),

2. 授予(学士):conduct 行为;操行 | confer 授予学士 | confer 授予学士

confer 词典解释

1. 商谈;商议;交换意见
    When you confer with someone, you discuss something with them in order to make a decision. You can also say that two people confer .

    e.g. He conferred with Hill and the others in his office...
    e.g. His doctors conferred by telephone and agreed that he must get away from his family for a time.

2. 授予,赋予(权力、荣誉等)
    To confer something such as power or an honour on someone means to give it to them.

    e.g. The constitution also confers large powers on Brazil's 25 constituent states...
    e.g. An honorary doctorate of law was conferred on him by Newcastle University in 1976...

confer 单语例句

1. But seeking similar genetic traits " may confer individuals with additional adaptive advantages, " he wrote.

2. In April 1996 the CMC began to confer military ranks on reserve officers.

3. Leaders also will confer on climate change, trade and economic security.

4. confer的反义词

4. The study suggests that the genes that confer pale skin and red hair evolved separately in humans and our closest extinct relatives.

5. confer的意思

5. They do not want detainees to have an opportunity to confer with each other and perhaps plot uprisings in the detention facility.

6. China began to confer military ranks to military and police officers in 1955, when Mao Zedong promoted 10 senior officers to the rank of marshal.

7. Hill has been in Seoul since Saturday to confer with senior South Korean officials to flesh out a joint strategy for Thursday's talks in Beijing.

8. Online brands like Baidu Inc and Facebook are prized for their functionality and innovativeness rather than the social status they confer.

9. It is against diplomatic principles and international rules for the US Congress to confer a medal on such a person.

10. confer的解释

10. New Defense Secretary Robert Gates journeyed to Iraq in his first week on the job in December to confer with American commanders and Iraqi leaders.

confer 英英释义


1. confer是什么意思

1. have a conference in order to talk something over

    e.g. We conferred about a plan of action

    Synonym: confabulate confab consult

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. present

    e.g. The university conferred a degree on its most famous former student, who never graduated
           bestow an honor on someone

    Synonym: bestow
