
concordance [kənˈkɔ:dəns]  [kənˈkɔ:rdəns] 


concordance 基本解释



concordance 网络解释

1. 一致性:同卵双胞胎之间的一致性(concordance)超过了双卵双胞胎. 比如,一项研究显示:在同卵双胞胎中,一个有智障,另一个也有智障的可能性就是88%;但在双卵双胞胎中,这种可能性仅占7%. 原因是前者的遗传基因更接近. 这似乎证明了Galton的话.

2. 用语索引:然而,也有人认为这些重复性极低的文字仍就值得加以搜集,例如在用语索引(concordance)的搜寻时便可派上用场. 其他搜集翻译记忆库的帮助也可在品质验证和校阅时有所帮助(利用翻译记忆库,可以很简单的将来源语言与目标语言汇出,

3. 重要语汇索引:concept n.概念 | concordance 重要语汇索引 | concurrent 同时的

concordance 词典解释

1. concordance

1. 相似;一致;协调
    If there is concordance between two things, they are similar to each other or consistent with each other.

    e.g. ...a partial concordance between theoretical expectations and empirical evidence.

2. 语汇索引
    A concordance is a list of the words in a text or group of texts, with information about where in the text each word occurs and how often it occurs. The sentences each word occurs in are often given.

concordance 英英释义


1. an index of all main words in a book along with their immediate contexts

2. agreement of opinions

    Synonym: harmony concord

3. a harmonious state of things in general and of their properties (as of colors and sounds)
    congruity of parts with one another and with the whole

    Synonym: harmony concord
