
concoction [kənˈkɒkʃn]  [kənˈkɑ:kʃn] 


concoction 基本解释

名词混合; 调合; 调合物

concoction 网络解释

1. 调制品,荤素混合菜,调和物:12. fad 一时流行的风尚 | 13. concoction 调制品,荤素混合菜,调和物 | 14. wonderfood 奇妙的食物

2. 调合:concoct 调制 | concoction 调合 | concoctive 捏造的

3. 调合物:concoctfrom 根据...炮制 | concoction 调合物 | concoctive 调合的

4. 混合物:concoction 混合物 | ambition 雄心,抱负,野心 | tradition 传统;惯例

concoction 词典解释

1. 调制品;配制物
    A concoction is something that has been made out of several things mixed together.

    e.g. ...a concoction of honey, yogurt, oats, and apples.

concoction 单语例句

1. At one point Charlie became famous for drinking a mysterious concoction known as Tiger Blood, and that period is one he admits is " silly ".

2. But the third time was a charm that cast its spell on me, and I became addicted to the concoction that bubbled from that cauldron.

3. In retrospect, this could have been a concoction by police and prosecutors.

4. concoction的反义词

4. And when you add sexuality to this heady concoction, it often gives a whole new twist to the city's already dodgy image.

5. concoction的近义词

5. While I was dubious at first, the concoction produced a slow but significant effect - my faith was restored.

6. concoction什么意思

6. The doctor said she had a " heated " stomach and liver, and prescribed her herbal concoction to reduce the heat.

7. Finally, a rather luridly pink starchy sauce is poured over the whole concoction.

8. concoction的意思

8. He said he has customers of Asian descent who believe the concoction has medicinal properties.

9. Although Fang took the concoction as prescribed, she gave birth to a girl this May at her mother's home.

10. concoction的解释

10. The creative concoction was well received and the Chairman himself blessed it with its name.

concoction 英英释义



1. concoction在线翻译

1. the act of creating something (a medicine or drink or soup etc.) by compounding or mixing a variety of components

    Synonym: confection

2. the invention of a scheme or story to suit some purpose

    e.g. his testimony was a concoction
           she has no peer in the concoction of mystery stories

3. an occurrence of an unusual mixture

    e.g. it suddenly spewed out a thick green concoction

4. any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients

    e.g. he volunteered to taste her latest concoction
           he drank a mixture of beer and lemonade

    Synonym: mixture intermixture
