1. 秘密会议:但是卡瑪利拉允許高層的秘密會議 (Conclave) 事前否決王子的命令,參與秘密會議的成員以正反證據作為表決依據. 若王子不遵從秘密會議決議,雖然不會受到任何懲罰,但是必然會損失相當的名望. 密党之外的另一个盟派是魔党(The Sabbat).
2. 教皇选举会议:- 梵蒂冈是一个比较罕见的非继承性君主政体,梵蒂冈的元首--即[[教宗|教皇]]--是由80岁以下的[[红衣主教]]们在[[西斯廷教堂]]内举行的[[教皇选举会议]](Conclave)上选举产生的,任期终身.
3. 秘密会议/教皇选举会议/红衣主教团:concision || 切割, 分离, 简洁 | conclave || 秘密会议, 教皇选举会议, 红衣主教团 | conclavist || 红衣主教,教皇所带的侍从
4. 红衣主教团:conclave 秘密会议 | conclave 红衣主教团 | conclave 教皇选举会议
1. 秘密会议;枢机会议(选举新教皇的秘密会议)
A conclave is a meeting at which the discussions are kept secret. The meeting which is held to elect a new Pope is called a conclave .
1. The British EU presidency is due to make new budget proposals for the conclave.
2. Only two of the cardinals were at the last conclave more than 26 years ago.
1. a confidential or secret meeting