
concentrate [ˈkɒnsntreɪt]  [ˈkɑ:nsntreɪt] 






concentrate 基本解释

及物/不及物动词集中; 专心于; 注意; 聚集

及物动词浓缩,(使)浓缩; [采矿]汰选; 选矿,精选,富集




concentrate 相关词组


1. concentrate on : 集中, 全神贯注于;

concentrate 相关例句


1. Our population is concentrated in the big cities.

2. Industrial development is being concentrated in the west of the country.

3. Concentrate on your work.


1. She couldn't concentrate on a book very long.

2. You should concentrate on your work.

concentrate 网络解释


1. 浓缩物:之凝血酶-血栓调节蛋白复合物(thrombin- throm bomodulin complex) 转化为活化蛋白血激酶原时间(activated thromboplastin time)在对照会组2 倍以上时,病人 经功能之浓缩物(concentrate)可以用 作紧急求命之用,唯应 即照会血液专家协助评估.

2. 浓缩:他会用中文开场:你的眼睛好漂亮. 如果我还在准备考试,我会告诉他,快集中精力做你的实验去,我忙着呢. 他会夸张地说:当我看到你美丽的眼睛时,我怎能集中精力(concentrate)呢. 我便告诉他:如果你不能浓缩(concentrate),那么你就稀释去吧(dilute).

3. 专心:提高了命中率略微扩大了旋风(Whirlwind)的伤害范围增加了专心(Concentrate)的伤害及命中增加了

concentrate 词典解释

1. 全神贯注;集中(心思)
    If you concentrate on something, or concentrate your mind on it, you give all your attention to it.

    e.g. It was up to him to concentrate on his studies and make something of himself...
    e.g. Water companies should concentrate on reducing waste instead of building new reservoirs...

2. 使集中;使汇集
    If something is concentrated in an area, it is all there rather than being spread around.

    e.g. Italy's industrial districts are concentrated in its north-central and north-eastern regions...
    e.g. Most development has been concentrated in and around cities.

3. concentrate是什么意思

3. 浓缩液;浓缩物
    Concentrate is a liquid or substance from which water has been removed in order to make it stronger, or to make it easier to store.

    e.g. juice made from concentrate.

4. 使清楚地思考
    If you say that an unpleasant fact or situation concentrates someone's mind, you mean that it makes them think clearly, because they are aware of the serious consequences if they do not.

    e.g. A term in prison will concentrate his mind wonderfully.

concentrate 单语例句

1. Bush able to concentrate his energy on the general election, with Kerry eager to do the same and Edwards struggling to sustain his own candidacy.

2. Most of the debates on the problem concentrate on whether the rate of increase of farm products can catch up with the country's population growth.

3. Financial risks thus would concentrate in the banking system, said a central bank report here on Friday.

4. I really want to concentrate and get a good chance to do it properly.

5. Richardson could concentrate on scoring after being freed from the chore of guarding Miller.

6. concentrate

6. That will enable those small institutions to concentrate on chronic ailments and large hospitals to mostly treat more complicated conditions.

7. The industry's development will concentrate on cleaner technology that will reduce carbon emissions, he added.

8. Since the population in remote areas is the key potential customer cluster, the development of mobile finance will heavily concentrate on rural areas in the future.

9. As a major province in coal resource, the famous coal cities concentrate in the eastern part of Heilongjiang.

10. For shale gas, we will concentrate for the next two years on collecting data and doing research.

concentrate 英英释义



1. a concentrated example of something

    e.g. the concentrate of contemporary despair

2. a concentrated form of a foodstuff
    the bulk is reduced by removing water

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. the desired mineral that is left after impurities have been removed from mined ore

    Synonym: dressed ore


1. cook until very little liquid is left

    e.g. The cook reduced the sauce by boiling it for a long time

    Synonym: reduce boil down

2. be cooked until very little liquid is left

    e.g. The sauce should reduce to one cup

    Synonym: boil down reduce decoct

3. make denser, stronger, or purer

    e.g. concentrate juice

4. make more concise

    e.g. condense the contents of a book into a summary

    Synonym: digest condense

5. compress or concentrate

    e.g. Congress condensed the three-year plan into a six-month plan

    Synonym: condense contract

6. concentrate

6. make central

    e.g. The Russian government centralized the distribution of food

    Synonym: centralize centralise

7. direct one's attention on something

    e.g. Please focus on your studies and not on your hobbies

    Synonym: focus center centre pore rivet

8. concentrate是什么意思

8. draw together or meet in one common center

    e.g. These groups concentrate in the inner cities
