
concatenation [kənˌkætəˈneɪʃn] [kɔnˌkætɪˈneɪʃɵn] 

concatenation 基本解释


concatenation 网络解释

1. 串联:结果是比第一版的 K&R 中的解释显著的更好;除了更加完整之外,它提供了操作,如记号(token)串联(concatenation),以前只在偶尔的实现中能获得. 在另一方面,C 的数组的处理一般而言(不只是字符串)、对优化和将来的扩展二者都有令人遗憾的牵连.

2. 连接:apr_queue:提供了先进先出队列(FIFO)其他的数组操作,包括pop出栈操作、复制(shallow copy,浅拷贝)、懒复制(lazy copy)、连接(concatenation)、增加(append)和转换为一个字符串变量(这个只有在数组的内容都是字符串变量时才比较有意义).

3. 级联:另外,为了增强承载业务的灵活性,级联(Concatenation)技术在数据业务进入VC之前得到应用. 级联技术又分为连续(Contiguous)级联或虚(Virtual)级联两种. 以100M以太网的VC-12级联为例说明其原理:该技术将n个VC-12捆绑在一起形成一个整体VC-12-n,

concatenation 词典解释

1. 一连串相关联的事情;接二连三的相关事件
    A concatenation of things or events is their occurrence one after another, because they are linked.

    e.g. ...the Internet, the world's biggest concatenation of computing power.

concatenation 英英释义



1. the act of linking together as in a series or chain

2. a series of things depending on each other as if linked together

    e.g. the chain of command
           a complicated concatenation of circumstances

    Synonym: chain

3. concatenation的意思

3. the linking together of a consecutive series of symbols or events or ideas etc

    e.g. it was caused by an improbable concatenation of circumstances

4. the state of being linked together as in a chain
    union in a linked series
