







comprises 基本解释
包括;组成;构成;包含( comprise的第三人称单数 );
comprises 网络解释


1. 组成:papyrus纸草 | comprises 组成 | recipes菜谱

2. 包含,由,構成:Scores 樂譜︰music composition | Comprises 包含,由,構成︰consists of | Intense 劇烈的︰extreme

3. 序言:完全 predominantly | preface 序言 comprises | 包括 prefer 更喜欢 comprising

comprises 单语例句

1. Voith sees potential for its hydropower business, which comprises about a quarter of the installed capacity in the sector in China.

2. The expansion comprises a new workshop and warehouse and upgrade of production equipment, which will double production capacity of the Tianjin plant.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. A carrier battle group comprises an aircraft carrier and its escort vessels.

4. But this may be just the tip of an iceberg, because detected fraud comprises a very small amount of the actual level.

5. Webber's vinous devotion is to France and the sale stock comprises mature, classic wines that can be broached immediately and stupendous vintages that can age further.

6. The latest collection comprises five Fuwa made of jade plus a piece of ruyi, a Chinese ornamental object symbolizing good luck.

7. The shadow banking system is complex, because it comprises a mix of institutions and vehicles.

8. As a matter of tradition the quartet comprises graduates from the string department of The Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory and plays in the romantic style.

9. " The building comprises almost all advanced technology making use of solar energy, " he says.

10. The foundation comprises seven layers of bricks lengthways and eight layers crosswise.
