
compress [kəmˈpres]  [kəmˈprɛs] 






compress 基本解释

及物动词压缩; 压紧; 精简

名词止血敷布; 打包机

compress 相关例句



1. Wood cuttings and sawdust can be compressed into boards.

2. Can you compress your speech into five minutes?


1. Wood blocks may compress a great deal under pressure.

compress 网络解释

1. 文件压缩:<正> 一、文件压缩/解压缩简介 所谓文件压缩(compress)就是以某种特定的算法对文件进行规则的编码运算,使文件的大小降到最低,而解压缩(decompress)则是针对压缩文件进行的反编码运算,使其恢复成原来的内容.

2. 数据压缩:TIFF格式可以用全彩、灰阶、黑白等方式纪录照片图像或是线条稿(纯文字类图文件),TIFF也支持LZW的压缩技术(LZW, Lempel-Zif-Welsh由三个发展者的姓的前一个字母所组成的数据压缩(compress)技术的名称,这是一种不失真的压缩方式(Lossless Compression)),

compress 词典解释
The verb is pronounced /kəm'pres/. The noun is pronounced /'kɒmpres/. 动词读作 /kəm'pres/,名词读作 /'kɒmpres/。

1. (使)压紧;(使)压缩
    When you compress something or when it compresses, it is pressed or squeezed so that it takes up less space.

    e.g. Poor posture, sitting or walking slouched over, compresses the body's organs...
    e.g. Air will compress but the brake fluid won't.

The compression of the wood is easily achieved.

2. compress在线翻译

2. 使简练;缩短
    If you compress something such as a piece of writing or a description, you make it shorter.

    e.g. He never understood how to organize or compress large masses of material...
    e.g. All those three books are compacted and compressed into one book.

3. 压缩,缩短(时间)
    If an event is compressed into a short space of time, it is given less time to happen than normal or previously.

    e.g. The four debates will be compressed into an unprecedentedly short eight-day period...
    e.g. Some courses such as engineering had to be compressed.

4. (用以退烧的)敷布,压布
    A compress is a pad of wet or dry cloth pressed on part of a patient's body to reduce fever.

    e.g. Sore throats may be relieved by cold compresses.

compress 单语例句

1. compress的意思

1. It also has the unique function of an ice compress, which greatly reduces pain.

2. Dealers compress and shred water bottles after removing their caps and labels.

3. They have had to compress their schedule to get ready for the early undocking.

4. Fast Skin is composed of " super stretch " fabric made to improve the suit's fit and to compress muscles.

5. Institutional reform is needed to compress administrative expenses in the long run.

6. A sound absorbing pad on top vibrates when sound waves hit it, causing the tiny zinc oxide wires to compress and release.

compress 英英释义



1. a cloth pad or dressing (with or without medication) applied firmly to some part of the body (to relieve discomfort or reduce fever)


1. compress

1. squeeze or press together

    e.g. she compressed her lips
           the spasm contracted the muscle

    Synonym: constrict squeeze compact contract press

2. make more compact by or as if by pressing

    e.g. compress the data

    Synonym: compact pack together
