
composedly [kəm'pəʊzdlɪ]  [kəm'poʊzdlɪ] 

composedly 基本解释



composedly 网络解释

1. 镇定地:composed 镇静的 | composedly 镇定地 | composedness 镇定

2. 自若地:composecompilediscourseinpraise 撰 | composedly 自若地 | composedlyplacidlysedatelyserenely 沉着地

3. 镇定地/沉着地/自若地:composed /镇定的/沈著的/安然的/安宁/安祥/镇/谡/ | composedly /镇定地/沉着地/自若地/ | composedness /镇定/沉着/

4. 镇定地, 沉着地, 从容地:composed || 镇静的, 沉着的 | composedly || 镇定地, 沉着地, 从容地 | composedness || 镇定, 沉着

composedly 双语例句

1. In all other respects, however, he was so composedly himself, that Mr.


2. And she hurried again into the road, and again constrain ed herself to walk regularly and composedly forward


3. In fact, the Olympic Games has enabled China to present itself composedly as a more confident nation after three decades of reform and opening to the outside world.

4. If I have not met his protection and teaching, then my health would not be so serene, my spirit would not be so sunny and sagacious, and I would not deal with the attention so composedly now.

5. She looked at Jane, to see how she bore it; but Jane was very composedly talking to Bingley.

6. Violence of place difficult not to messy, meet is not angry; The reason is not smooth but does not beam with undisguised happiness, be not disheartened because of setback; Calm answers everything composedly, has demonstrated the true quality of a hero remaining firm.


7. It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel stained, composedly carrying his gripsack and umbrella

8. It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel-stained, composedly carrying his gripsack and umbrella.


9. It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel stained, composedly carrying his grip sack and umbrella.


10. It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel-stained, composedly carrying his grip-sack and umbrella.

11. Elizabeth felt all the impertinence of her questions, but answered them very composedly.

12. " I come from your theatre, " said he composedly, as he sat down;


13. She talked composedly to reporters about her terrible ordeal.


14. And she hurried again into the road, and again constrained herself to walk regularly and composedly forward.

15. Elizabeth found herself quite equal to the scene, and could observe the three ladies before her composedly.


16. Jane was very composedly talking to bingley.

17. We study the potential results of attacking methods exploiting layer-2 and layer-3 vulnerabilities composedly.

18. As a matter of fact, I just now did not look at your piers and beams at all. I was checking the run of the river and the physiognomy here. I composedly translated his unhurried English into Chinese.

composedly 英英释义



1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. in a self-collected or self-possessed manner

    e.g. he announced the death of his father collectedly

    Synonym: collectedly
