
composed [kəmˈpəʊzd]  [kəmˈpoʊzd] 




composed 基本解释



动词组成( compose的过去式和过去分词 ); 调解; [印刷]排(字); 使安定

composed 相关例句


1. The captain remained composed throughout the raging storm.

composed 网络解释

1. 镇定:Nervous紧张 | Composed镇定 | Depressive悲观

2. 镇静的:compose-message 编写消息 | composed 镇静的 | composedly 镇定地

3. 组成:carbon碳, | composed组成 | philological语言学

4. 安然的:compose 组成 | composed 安然的 | composer 作家

composed 词典解释

1. 平静的;镇定的;沉着的
    If someone is composed, they are calm and able to control their feelings.

    e.g. Laura was very calm and composed...
    e.g. It wasn't the peaceful, composed experience I had expected.

composed 单语例句

1. The " Words of the Heart - Versatility " is composed of two acrylic paintings featuring two women's faces covered by flowers of different colors.

2. The government is composed of seven members elected by the Federal Assembly that take turns serving as president.

3. The music was composed more than 80 years ago and I cannot go back that far.

4. A man from Dalian of Liaoning Province held a special wedding over the weekend, carrying all of his guests in a motorcade composed of 37 refrigerated cargo vans.

5. One of them composed a poem to celebrate the day, praising him and asking the gods to let him outlive the mountains and rivers.

6. The fast roads system is composed of three ring roads and 16 radioactive fast roads, which connect the 19 functional districts in the center city.

7. The General Committee is composed of the President and 21 Vice - Presidents of the Assembly and the Chairmen of the six Main Committees.

8. The station has also formed a consultant committee composed of TV directors, established educators and other respected celebrities to ensure the quality of programming on the channel.

9. The Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty composed poems of praise for the Kaifeng Chrysanthemum, making the flower a legend in history.

10. Netizen is composed of two words, " net " and " citizen ".

composed 英英释义


1. serenely self-possessed and free from agitation especially in times of stress

    e.g. the performer seemed completely composed as she stepped onto the stage
           I felt calm and more composed than I had in a long time
