
complin ['kɒmplɪn]  ['kɒmplɪn] 

complin 基本解释


complin 网络解释


1. 晚祷:complimentary 称赞的 | complin 晚祷 | compline 晚祷

complin 双语例句

1. At the same time it seems clear that in the case of cathedral churches, etc., where the Office was said in choir, the interval between Complin and the Matins of the next day was not very great; at any rate.

2. This, indeed, has been suspected of interpolation, but the same objection cannot apply to a decree of Franciscan General Chapter in the time of St Bonaventure (1263 or 1269), directing preachers to encourage the people to say Hail Marys when the Complin bell rang.
    这一点,事实上,已涉嫌插的,但同样的异议不能申请一项法令济一般篇章的时候,圣文德( 1263或1269 ),导演传教士,以鼓励人们说冰雹。


3. Let us complin less and give more.

4. Morning office of Prime as well as at Complin.

5. Prime and Complin, then, were originally private prayers said by monks in addition to the official Hours.

6. Mabillon says that though in his day Lyons agreed with Rome in many things, especially in the distribution of the Psalter, and admitted lessons from the Acts of the Saints, there were still no hymns except at Complin, and he mentions a similar rule as to hymns at Vienne.
    Mabillon说,虽然他每天在里昂与罗马商定在许多事情,尤其是在分布的Psalter ,并承认教训行为的圣徒,还有没有赞美诗除在Complin ,他提到了类似的规则,以赞美诗在维埃纳。


7. Bonaventure's time, referred to above, this is precisely what we find, viz., that the laity in general were to be induced to say Hail Marys when the bell rang at Complin, during, or more probably after, the office of the friars.
    此外,在方济各的法令圣文德的时候,上面提到的,这正是我们发现,即,认为俗人一般被诱导说,冰雹。Marys当钟声铃响了,在complin ,期间或者更大概后,该办公室的方济各会士。

complin 英英释义



1. complin什么意思

1. last of the seven canonical hours just before retiring

    Synonym: compline
