
compliant [kəmˈplaɪənt]  [kəmˈplaɪənt] 

compliant 基本解释

形容词遵从的; 依从的; (与系列规则相)符合的; 一致的

compliant 反义词

形容词incompliant froward

compliant 网络解释

1. 兼容:只要你的视频转换成了Silverlight兼容(compliant)格式,你就可以签入到你的网站中的页面上. 我会将一个正在播放这个视频的Silverlight播放器签入到一篇博客文章中并且提供一个直接的下载地址链接以供下载.

2. 顺从的:compliance 承诺 | compliant 顺从的 | compliantly 顺从地

3. 依从的,顺从的:compliance range 依从范围,顺应区间 | compliant 依从的,顺从的 | component 元件;元素;组件

4. 适应:color=彩色 | compliant=适应 | Confirm preset removal=确认预设移除

compliant 词典解释

1. 服从的;顺从的;俯首帖耳的
    If you say that someone is compliant, you mean they willingly do what they are asked to do.

    e.g. She was much naughtier than her compliant brother.
    e.g. ...a docile and compliant workforce.

compliant 单语例句

1. They withdrew the bill when it became clear that it wasn't compliant with World Trade Organization rules.

2. compliant是什么意思

2. But even if a more compliant Israeli leadership should return to power, a survey of the issues on the table appear to present overwhelming challenges.

3. " Later " keeps arriving with answers for which a largely quiescent if not compliant American public appears to have little stomach.

4. When he didn't do so they made him stop the car because they wanted to get another cab with a more compliant driver.

5. The West wants to bring changes to this framework, shaping it as it pleases and transforming the nation into a compliant puppet.

6. compliant什么意思

6. He stressed that all the interpretations are compliant to the Basic Law and other regulations on the constitutional system of the HKSAR.

7. compliant的翻译

7. An NDRC official said the price changes reflected market realities and are compliant with the government's macroeconomic regulations.

8. The brief press release said the judgment " confirms we are fully compliant with the Employment Ordinance ".

9. Making interpretations of the Basic Law by the NPC Standing Committee is completely compliant with the Constitution and the Basic Law.

10. The opposition has accused him of manipulating the vote to gain a compliant legislature that would amend the constitution to allow a third term.

compliant 英英释义



1. disposed or willing to comply

    e.g. children compliant with the parental will
