completely smashed

completely smashed

completely smashed 双语例句

1. This reporter saw on-site that about a dozen animals had been smashed to death against the ground, including rabbits, dogs, terrapins. One was completely flattened by the vehicle.

completely smashed的意思

2. Disseminated once put too many tacky body and soul completely smashed, put new students bring their own.

3. The champions were completely smashed in the final.

4. The second truck had its radiator completely smashed in.


5. The former champions were completely smashed in the final.

completely smashed的翻译

6. We are unable to accept the shipment which we received from you todays, as they had been completely smashed when they reached us.

completely smashed

7. When these dangers reached to the diehard extent, a coup completely smashed Nkrumahs dream which building a Socialist Ghana.

8. 2Twenty of the 200 pocket recorders we ordered from you last Tuesday were completely smashed when they arrived at the warehouse here.

9. After a long period of preparation, Manstein finally decided he could take major action again. On 8 May 1942, he launched Operation Trappenjagd, which called for General Maximilian For-Pico's XXX Corps to attack the Russian 44th Army on the southern coast. The operation launched at 0415 that morning with a 10-minute artillery barrage. By 0730, the Russian front line troops were completely smashed at the pressure of German frontal attacks and the small landing by the 902nd Assault Boat Command and the 436th Infantry Regiment behind their lines.
    经过长时间的筹备,曼斯坦因终于决定他要再次发动一次重大行动。1942年5月8日,他发起了猎鸨行动,下令马克西米里安(Maximilian For-Pico)将军的第30兵团进攻南部海岸的苏军第44军。5月8日早上4点15分德军开始的10分钟炮击宣告了行动开始。7点30分,德军902冲锋舟连与436步兵营在苏军防线后方进行了一次小规模登陆,他们同正面德军的强大攻势一起,彻底瓦解了苏军的防线。
