
compatible [kəmˈpætəbl]  [kəmˈpætəbəl] 

compatible 基本解释

形容词兼容的,相容的; 和谐的,协调的; [生物学]亲和的; 可以并存的,能共处的

compatible 相关词组


1. be compatible with : 适合, 一致;

compatible 相关例句


1. Health and hard work are compatible.

2. Their marriage came to an end because they were simply not compatible with each other.

3. Accuracy is not always compatible with haste.

compatible 网络解释

1. 兼容的:可兼容的(Compatible) 女友的缺点. 不可兼容的(Incompatible) 妻子的缺点. 钥匙盘(Key Disk) 学生集体宿舍里管楼道的阿姨或招待所里的服务员小姐们常拿在手里的哗哗作响的那样东西就是钥匙盘.

2. 相容的:在上例中,属性词为褒义词或贬义词,褒义词的样例如漂亮、芬芳等,贬义词样例如恶心、讨厌等;(3)联合任务1,要求被试对概念词与属性词的联合作出反应,由于概念词和属性词之间有两种可能的关系:相容的(compatible)和不相容的,通常在

3. 相容:微软亚洲区OEM嵌入式事业群总经理吴胜雄表示,为提供使用者相互连结的软体、硬体与服务,体验处处的生活体验,微软提供可信赖(Trusted)、亲近(Familiar)、相容(Compatible)的软体与服务,并且与超过40家国内外硬体厂商合作,

compatible 词典解释

1. (系统、想法和信仰)兼容的,可以并存的
    If things, for example systems, ideas, and beliefs, are compatible, they work well together or can exist together successfully.

    e.g. Free enterprise, he argued, was compatible with Russian values and traditions...
    e.g. Marriage and the life I live just don't seem compatible.

National courts can freeze any law while its compatibility with European legislation is being tested.

2. 能和谐相处的;合得来的
    If you say that you are compatible with someone, you mean that you have a good relationship with them because you have similar opinions and interests.

    e.g. Mildred and I are very compatible. She's interested in the things that interest me...
    e.g. In a large city you're almost certain to find a physician with whom you are compatible and feel comfortable.

As a result of their compatibility, Haig and Fraser were able to bring about wide-ranging reforms.

3. (尤指与 IBM公司制造的计算机或计算机设备)兼容的
    If one make of computer or computer equipment is compatible with another make, especially IBM, they can be used together and can use the same software.

compatible 单语例句


1. But the central authority must make different plans compatible with each other.

2. Bai stressed that research will finally come out with standards that meet China's own intellectual property rights and are compatible with current standards.

3. compatible的近义词

3. Administrative planning is no longer compatible with the market economy, as the market has to play by its own rules.

4. " It is important for marriage partners to have compatible personalities, " Tian says.

5. compatible

5. The specialists were charged with abusing their positions as referees by seizing opportunities to profit instead of matching up compatible buy and sell orders.

6. compatible

6. Chen said Liaoning will take clear advantage of such industrial clusters in order to attract enterprises in the compatible industries from around the world.

7. There are also the practical issues of housing, finance and offspring that prevent seniors from living together even when otherwise compatible.

8. Li's wife Zhong meanwhile donated one of her healthy and compatible kidneys to Wu's wife, who was also suffering from kidney failure.

9. Policy space is also required to ensure that important social and political ends - such as food security - are compatible with international trade rules.

10. A dominant individual only gets paired with a wallflower if highly compatible in many other areas.

compatible 英英释义



1. able to exist and perform in harmonious or agreeable combination

    e.g. a compatible married couple
           her deeds were compatible with her ideology

2. capable of being used with or connected to other devices or components without modification

3. capable of forming a homogeneous mixture that neither separates nor is altered by chemical interaction
