community service
1. 社区服务:在参考架构中,有三类业务应用服务:社区服务(Community Service): 用于管理和企业贸易的业务伙伴,支持以交易中心(Trade Hub)为主的集中式管理和以伙伴为中心的自我管理.
2. 社区服务 社区服务:1.社区服务 社区服务(Community Service),在国外也称为社会服务、社会服务令、社区劳役和公益劳动等,是指一种判处罪犯在社区从事一定时数的无偿劳动或服务的刑罚,是替代短期自由刑的非监禁行刑方式.
3. 小区服务:藉由参加各式各样的社团活动和体育活动,可帮助了解自己的兴趣及长处,你可以学着玩美式足球,学作糕饼披萨,在乐团学打鼓,参选学生会(Student Council )干部,你甚至可能被选为学校的代表队参加数学、音乐或体育的竞赛或者是参加一些小区服务(Community Service )有助于将来申请大学
4. 社会服务:特别提出:1.考虑那些仅仅表明行为人有罪而并不对犯罪人适用实体刑罚的刑罚方法;2.考虑在行为人被定罪后延期判决的方法,以便适用有利于犯罪人改善的刑罚;3.调查社会服务(community service)的优点,尤其是它所提供的机会--对犯罪人来说,
1. (作为对罪犯的惩罚、用以代替入狱服刑的)社区服务
Community service is unpaid work that criminals sometimes do as a punishment instead of being sent to prison.
e.g. He was sentenced to 140 hours community service.
1. Every institution in Cambridge has its own psychological counseling service, and students are required to participate in community activities.
2. Issues she's expressed interest in include helping women juggle career and family, and promoting community and national service.
3. Charges against rapper Kanye West and actor Gerard Butler were recently dismissed after both men completed community service after scuffles with celebrity photographers.
4. The Sunshine Community Correction Service Center provides psychological counseling, training in job skills and initially an allowance that probationers need to survive.
5. During a visit to a township community service center, he asked civil servants to use innovations in social management to promote social stability.
6. He said a priority of the Chinese Christian community is placed on social service, and members of the community are running retirement homes and rehabilitation centers in Sichuan.
7. Samsung Electronics will also offer an Olympic Community Messaging service to circulate information freely using the instant messaging service available on most phones.
8. According to the bureau, racial stereotypes are still common within the civil service and in the local community.
9. Sources close to Lindsay say she would be interested in the programme as she sees it as " a perfect fit for her community service ".
10. Artest is scheduled to complete half of his community service in the Detroit area through Sunday.
1. an unpaid service for the benefit of the public that is performed by lawbreakers as part (or all) of their sentence
2. a service that is performed for the benefit of the public or its institutions
Synonym: public service