common yam

common yam [ˈkɔmən jæm]  [ˈkɑmən jæm] 

common yam 基本解释

common yam什么意思

[化] 山药,薯蓣

common yam 双语例句

1. The common name and some cried out: haw's space of Qiao Qiao, Yuanyuan love volume, big and small things Gerry Quartet, mixed chop suey, ah hong not the world first, iamfurk, WONG2 WORLD, saw Luancao garden, and I blog station, 诗苑Court, rap12321 Wenge, sub - crazy の heaven, want you to dare the other to teach, Nicole La Site kitchen, every night he dreamed of, 0 ·● Fortunately, Wo ●· 0, toot Tianli farms, mylovemyblogmyspace, Yam's concerns and take the three re - multiplied by four, Beibei isee, ..
    常见的博客名称有的叫:山楂树's的翘翹空间,媛媛情卷,大事小事四方格里的事,杂杂碎,ah hong不敢天下先,iamfurk,WONG2 WORLD,只见乱草的花园,我和博客站,诗苑苑,rap12321文阁,亞疯の天堂,要你不敢另教,妮可拉丝特廚房,夜夜梦见河,·●幸窝●·,嘟嘟天立农场,mylovemyblogmyspace,亚姆的心事,乘三再乘于四,贝贝isee,。。

2. Common yam rhizome porridge treats short breath and weak physique.

common yam

3. Method: Acupuncture at Zhongwan point and common yam rhizome porridge were adopted.
