
commandant [ˈkɒməndænt]  [ˈkɑ:məndænt] 


commandant 基本解释

名词指挥官; 司令官; 〈美〉(陆军军官学校的)校长

commandant 网络解释

1. 司令官:在贡比涅,所有男人都被命令在集中营场地内列好队,然后司令官(commandant)Kuntze开始点名,这些囚犯不明白为什么,那些被挑出来的要站在一边. 550名被选中的人被给予15分钟来收拾他们的东西,他们争抢着拿他们用破的毯子和破烂的衣服捆.

2. 军校校长:2.具有 軍校校長(commandant) 顧問. 2.具有 贸易家(trader) 顧問. 描述:在1603年(萬曆三十一年)呂宋華人二萬三千餘人遭受屠殺,又在1639年(崇禎十二年)再次集體屠殺華人. 國姓爺對在呂宋的西班牙人不滿,計劃遣使招降,如予拒絕,

3. 校长:3.1.4 TNG 东宁(WWM)3.1.5 MDD 大肚(WWM)2.具有 軍校校長(commandant) 顧問. 描述:永历十三年(1659年)正月,吴三桂攻克昆明. 永历帝在马吉翔等人的鼓动下流亡至缅甸边境. 当时的缅甸统治者是是东吁王朝(Taungoo)国王莽达,

4. 司令部:夜间:Night | 司令部:Commandant | 中间/高等:Advanced

commandant 词典解释

1. 指挥官;司令
    A commandant is an army officer in charge of a particular place or group of people.

commandant 单语例句

1. Liang made the remarks in a meeting with US Marine Corps Commandant James Conway in Beijing.

2. He went into the military straight out of college, and commanded several units before becoming Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps.

3. Marines take their tattoos very seriously, and the latest edict from Commandant General James Conway is likely to cause some grumbling.

4. Even the Coast Guard commandant regularly updates his Facebook status while traveling.

5. Liang made the remarks here on Tuesday while meeting with visiting US Marine Corps Commandant James Conway.

commandant 英英释义


1. an officer in command of a military unit

    Synonym: commanding officer commander
