command posts

command posts

command posts 单语例句

1. Rejoining the command would allow French officers to assume key command posts.

2. " The channels act as command posts engineering the ongoing post - election riots, " he said.

3. The fire department said it will set up command posts in main stadiums and gymnasiums.

4. The four took up their posts at a meeting Tuesday in the Chinese field command.

5. The four took up their posts at a meeting yesterday in the Chinese field command.

6. command posts的反义词

6. The senior colonel spent months conducting field research at more than 60 naval posts and all islands with an army presence under area command.

7. The NATO official said the alliance must now decide what sort of command posts France will take up.

8. command posts

8. Twelve senior officials from around China have temporarily left their posts to undertake 15 weeks of study to improve their command of English.
