come with

come with [kʌm wið]  [kʌm wɪð] 

come with 基本解释
come with 网络解释


1. 伴随...发生, 与...一起供给:25. 应对挑战 meet the challenge | 26. 伴随...发生, 与...一起供给come with | 27. 摆脱,丢掉,除去,消灭 get rid of

2. 一起来:Where else would the bedroom be?|卧室还能在哪儿? | Come with?|一起来? | You're scared of him catching us breaking into his home,|你怕他发现我们闯进他家

3. 跟我一起:For Miranda, it was that Saturday night at exactly 10:40.|对米兰达而言,星期六晚上 10点40分便是时候 | Come with...|跟我一起... | Is everything all right?|一切都还好吗?

4. 和......一起来:17. at the concert 在音乐会上 | 18. come with 和......一起来 | 19. tomorrow evening 明天晚上

come with 单语例句

1. A nearby agriculture office crowded with farmers who had come to buy fertilizer was also completely destroyed and power to the area was cut off.

2. But analysts said the measures were merely palliative, buying time for Europe to come up with more concrete measures to quell the crisis.

3. It would be wrong to believe that people behind the project could be ignorant enough to have come up with the title by accident.

4. Lawmakers should act to make sure that statisticians never ever come up with statistics that are totally out of touch with reality.

5. Causey recalled catching a group of Vietnamese by surprise, causing them to come out of their hut with their hands up.

6. All cabinet members must come here regularly to deal with local problems carefully.

7. Natural dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients that come from the cacao beans it is made from.

8. come with

8. Cai's worries come with news from a recent survey which indicates that Guangzhou students'language abilities have been dropping lower than the country's average.

9. With the season Los Angeles'Matt Kemp had, he wasn't sure the call would come at all.

10. come with的反义词

10. More often than not they will come after you or call you back to the stall with a cheaper price.

come with 英英释义



1. be present or associated with an event or entity

    e.g. French fries come with the hamburger
           heart attacks are accompanied by distruction of heart tissue
           fish usually goes with white wine
           this kind of vein accompanies certain arteries

    Synonym: attach to accompany go with
