1. The plan came to naught at last.
1. 成为泡影:come through 交出;成功 | come to naught 成为泡影 | come to terms 达成协议
2. 成?泡影:come through 交出;成功 | come to naught 成?泡影 | come to terms 達成協定
3. 化为乌有:满腹牢骚 bellyache about sth | 化为乌有 come to naught | 流言蜚语 community gossips
4. 失败(落空,没有结果,终成泡影):9: appeal to all parties concerned呼吁各方 | 10: come to naught失败(落空,没有结果,终成泡影) | 1: the US-led Coalition force以美国为首的联军
1. And there is every indication that this round of mediation to resolve the Syrian crisis will come to naught.
2. But their appeal will come to naught if schools and parents care about only the good academic scores the children get at school.