1. His ship was caught in a storm but he came to no harm.
1. 遭不幸:come to hand 到手 | come to harm 遭不幸 | come to heel 附和
2. 受到损害; 遭到不幸:Smoking can be harmful to your health. 吸烟对身体有害. | come to harm 受到损害; 遭到不幸 | The lawn mower is an electric.割草机是电动的机器.
3. 遭受不幸:come to grief%[]%失败,遭受不幸% | come to harm%[]%遭受不幸% | come to life%[]%使苏醒%
4. 遭不幸, 受损害(常用于否定句):come to hands || 到手, 收到(指书信) | come to harm || 遭不幸, 受损害(常用于否定句) | come to heel || 紧随在后面, 附和, 追逐异性
1. " Our understanding is that no harm has come to anyone remaining on board, " it added.
2. Fearing harm might come to the child, she moved with her family into a rented apartment.
3. Discarding a plastic bag is like growing the seed of a toxic plant, which will harm human beings for generations to come.
4. Knowing his strong attachment to his dogs, police promised not to harm them on condition Wang come out of his own volition.
5. Even it is beyond their reach to clear up the mess, the authorities should have come up with effective measures to minimize harm.