come back

come back [kʌm bæk]  [kʌm bæk] 

come back 基本解释

回来; 记起; 强烈反驳; <非正>重复说

come back 相关例句

come back的近义词


1. It's suddenly come back to him where he saw her last.

2. Short skirts are coming back.

3. She came back two hours later.

come back 情景对话


A:Do you like traveling?

B:Yes, I've just come back from Scotland.

A:Where did you visit?

B:I only had time to visit Edinburgh.

A:How did you like it?

B:It's fantastic.

A:Why did you go there?

B:I went there on business.

A:And do you have friends there?

B:Yes, a lot of friends.

A:You must have enjoyed yourself.

B:Yes, and I took many pictures.

At the dentist’s-(看牙医)

A:I have a terrible toothache.

B:Which tooth is it?

A:(Pointing) This one here.

B:Ah, yes. There’s a big cavity.

A:Can you fill it?

B:I’m afraid not. The tooth is too far gone. It’ll have to be taken out.

A:Then I might as well have it out now.

B:You’d better wait. The gums are swollen. Take the medicine I prescribe and come back in three days.


A:May I speak to Miss Hu, please?

B:Sorry, but she is out for lunch right now.

A:I see. What time will she come back?

B:She'll be back around 3:30.

A:Please ask her to call me at 6225-9441.

B:OK.I'll have her call you as soon as she comes back.
      等她一回来, 我就请她马上回电。

A:That's nice. I'll be waiting for her call. Thank you.

B:You are welcome.

come back 网络解释

come back什么意思

1. 回来,想起来:come across 偶然遇见或发现 | come back 回来,想起来 | come down 下来,降下,倒下

2. 恢复:come along 进展 | come back 恢复 | come over 支配

3. 复辟:break the record 打破纪录 | come-back 复辟 | double-header 连赛

come back 词典解释

1. 回忆起;回想起来
    If something that you had forgotten comes back to you, you remember it.

    e.g. He was also an MP — I'll think of his name in a moment when it comes back to me...
    e.g. When I thought about it, it all came back.

2. 重新流行;再度时兴
    When something comes back, it becomes fashionable again.

    e.g. I'm glad hats are coming back.

3. see also: comeback

come back 单语例句

1. come back

1. Some buy five hats at one time and will come back later for seven more.


2. " People come back from war different, " he offers by way of a summary.

3. come back在线翻译

3. More often than not they will come after you or call you back to the stall with a cheaper price.

4. We don't come back from the carol concert and settle down to anything involving Dudley Moore in an elf costume.

5. He appeared disappointed when police handed him a receipt and told him to come back later to collect his cash.

6. Asked why she had decided to come back, she was categorical.

7. He said that half of the observers have left Syria " temporarily, " adding that they would come back if there was a cessation of violence.

8. When things change for the better, those who have left will likely come back.

9. The staff suggested that he go for dinner and come back later to check in.

10. My friends told me to cheer up and that it was a perfect reason to come back.

come back 英英释义


1. be restored

    e.g. Her old vigor returned

    Synonym: return

2. answer back

    Synonym: retort repay return riposte rejoin

3. go back to something earlier

    e.g. This harks back to a previous remark of his

    Synonym: hark back return recall

4. even the score, in sports
