
combust [kəmˈbʌst]  [kəmˈbʌst] 

combust 基本解释


combust 网络解释


1. 燃烧:如果一个行星和太阳在8度30分和17度之间,该行星被视为在阳光下,力量被削弱,但不如燃烧(combust)般严重. 如果一个行星和太阳距离在17分以内,那麼它变成cazimi,力量大幅增加. 根据Lilly的说法,[如果命主星被燃烧,提问的事将不会有进展,

2. 消耗:combo 结合物 | combust 消耗 | combustibility 可燃性

3. 燃料;燃烧:combosweep technique 混合扫描技术 | combust 燃料;燃烧 | combustibility 可燃性

4. 消耗, 燃烧:comburimeter || 燃烧计 | combust || 消耗, 燃烧 | combustibility || 燃烧性, 可燃性

combust 单语例句

1. Devils lurk everywhere in summer and you never know when they will possess some stranger to erupt in violence or spontaneously combust.

combust 英英释义



1. undergo combustion

    e.g. Maple wood burns well

    Synonym: burn

2. cause to become violent or angry

    e.g. Riots combusted Pakistan after the U.S. air attacks on Afghanistan

3. get very angry and fly into a rage

    e.g. The professor combusted when the student didn't know the answer to a very elementary question
           Spam makes me go ballistic

    Synonym: flip one's lid blow up throw a fit hit the roof hit the ceiling have kittens have a fit blow one's stack fly off the handle flip one's wig lose one's temper blow a fuse go ballistic


4. start to burn or burst into flames

    e.g. Marsh gases ignited suddenly
           The oily rags combusted spontaneously

    Synonym: erupt ignite catch fire take fire conflagrate

5. cause to burn or combust

    e.g. The sun burned off the fog
           We combust coal and other fossil fuels

    Synonym: burn
