
colors ['kɒlərz]  ['kɒlərz] 






colors 基本解释


名词国旗; 旗帜; 船旗; 军旗; <美>颜色( color的名词复数 ); 肤色; 颜料; 本质

colors 网络解释


1. 色彩:这也是为什么贝纳通、微软、星巴克跳过了magalog的风潮,直接全力进攻杂志出版的市场:贝纳通出版<<色彩>>(Colors),微软推出线上杂志<<石板>>(Slate),星巴克与时代集团(TimeInc.)共同投资<<乔>>.

2. 彩色响尾蛇:80年代后期,出演了<<斗鱼>>(Rumble Fish)、<<周末大行动>>(The Osterman Weekend)和<<穿梭三千年>>(My Science Project)等影片的霍珀重返导演位置,执导了颇有争议的黑帮影片<<彩色响尾蛇>>(Colors),受到评论家和观众的肯定.

colors 单语例句

1. The " Words of the Heart - Versatility " is composed of two acrylic paintings featuring two women's faces covered by flowers of different colors.

2. The men's collection is inspired by Williamson's own wardrobe, mixing a dapper young gentleman's style with hot colors and attractive ethnic influences.

3. But the work was typical of Van Gogh's at that time in other ways, with its bright colors lathered roughly on the canvas.

4. colors什么意思

4. The lines are elastic and full of rhythm on ceramic, while the colors are layered and have emphasis on canvas.

5. Five shadow play troupes are also performing throughout its run, which features different carving styles and painting colors.

6. It's a change from recent years, when major manufacturers devised patterns and merely changed the colors to adapt to the country.

7. If you are not interested in peppers that change colors as they grow, you can grow some that remain one color.

8. colors的翻译

8. Customers can always send them back to change the colors and small parts of materials.

9. The collection is full of colors, telling men they also need to be inspiring and cheerful during a bluesy winter.

10. I mused at the different people - of various colors and backgrounds - threading the story of tai chi in America.

colors 英英释义


1. colors

1. a flag that shows its nationality

    Synonym: colours

2. colors的解释

2. a distinguishing emblem

    e.g. his tie proclaimed his school colors

    Synonym: colours
