1. 殖民主义者:colonial殖民的 | colonialist殖民主义者 | colonist殖民者
2. 殖民主义者奉行殖民主义的国家:colonialism || 殖民主义 | colonialist || 殖民主义者奉行殖民主义的国家 | colonialistic || 殖民主义者奉行殖民主义的国家
3. 殖民主义:Havana 哈瓦那 | Colonialist 殖民主义 | Elitist 杰出人才的,
4. 殖民主义者 (名):colonialism 殖民主义 (名) | colonialist 殖民主义者 (名) | colonic 结肠的 (形)
1. 殖民主义的
Colonialist means relating to colonialism.
e.g. Earlier, the Cuban government had accused the Spanish Foreign Minister of colonialist attitudes.
e.g. ...the European colonialist powers.
2. 殖民主义者;殖民者
A colonialist is a person who believes in colonialism or helps their country to get colonies.
e.g. ...rulers who were imposed on the people by the colonialists.
1. They opposed the visit of the leader of the country they regarded " a new colonialist ".
2. All the Asian and African countries gained their independence from colonialist rule whether these countries are led by the communist or nationalists.
3. Such an interdependent world means there is less and less room for colonialist aggression or imperialist policies.
4. Or are people just trying to paint China with the colonialist brush in Africa?