1. The collision between the ships was caused by fog.
2. A collision with parliament could rain the government's plans.
1. 冲突:因 此,由于以太网的数据传输使用带侦测冲突的载波感测多重访 问(CSMA/CD)机 制,在同一时 刻,一个通 过Hub 连接的网段只能有一个网络接口设 备(如网 卡)发送信 息,否则就会产生冲 突(Collision),导致随机延时重 发.
2. 撞车:5.撞车(Collision):不管汽车因任何原因造成车祸,给付你自己因撞车所引起的损失,至少保个二百五十美元. 6.全包性保险(Comprehensive):不管汽车因任何原因造成损失,皆可获得赔偿. 7.玻璃破损(Glassbreakage):给付你自己汽车的玻璃损伤.
1. 碰撞;相撞
A collision occurs when a moving object crashes into something.
e.g. They were on their way to the Shropshire Union Canal when their van was involved in a collision with a car...
e.g. I saw a head-on collision between two aeroplanes.
2. (不同文化或思想的)碰撞,冲突,抵触
A collision of cultures or ideas occurs when two very different cultures or people meet and conflict.
e.g. It's the collision of disparate ideas that alters one's perspective...
e.g. The play represents the collision of three generations.
1. One man said he was riding a bicycle across a bridge over the Metro tracks when the sound of the collision got his attention.
2. collision的意思
2. Service on the busy Line 1 was disrupted due to an electrical failure, which reportedly triggered the collision in the tunnel a little after seven in the morning.
3. He was thrown over 10 meters away by the force of the collision.
4. Cartwright said there was nearly a 90 percent chance that the tank had been breached in the collision.
5. collision
5. Speeding at 8 miles a second, a collision would carve a hole the size of the famed Meteor Crater in Arizona.
6. collision的意思
6. Both companies said there was no risk of an actual collision between the two satellites in space.
7. But after monitoring it for a minute she decided it posed no collision risk and went to bed for a catnap.
8. collision
8. Some scientists said the celestial fireworks might last for several hours after the collision.
9. The chemical pollution was caused by a collision involving two oil tankers Sunday afternoon.
10. But a collision involving a chopper and a private plane has renewed doubts about whether the flights are worth the cost to safety.
1. a conflict of opposed ideas or attitudes or goals
e.g. a collision of interests
2. collision的近义词
2. an accident resulting from violent impact of a moving object
e.g. three passengers were killed in the collision
the collision of the two ships resulted in a serious oil spill
3. (physics) a brief event in which two or more bodies come together
e.g. the collision of the particles resulted in an exchange of energy and a change of direction
Synonym: hit