1. 络:十二经别 the twelve divergent meridians | 络 collaterals | 十五别络 the fifteen divergent collaterals
2. 络脉:皮部 dermal parts | 络脉 collaterals | 孙络 tertiary collaterals
3. 並列關係者:并立维管束;并生维管束 collateral vascular bundle; collateral bundle | 并列关系者 collaterals | 聚汇细胞 collective cell
4. 抵押品; 担保品:collateral review;平行审查;; | collaterals;抵押品; 担保品;; | collaterials;其他候选人;其他竞争人;;
1. The meridians and collaterals are like the pathways in which the flow of qi and blood circulate.
2. This translates into increasing risks at the ECB, because of the collaterals that banks must post when they borrow money from the ECB.