
collaborators [kə'læbəreɪtəz]  [kə'læbəreɪtəz] 



collaborators 基本解释
协作者,合作者,勾结者( collaborator的名词复数 );
collaborators 网络解释

1. 合作者:(1)、教育是一种对话(dialogue):学生和老师应成为合作者(collaborators)和共同研究者,一起从批判过程中了解现实. 有关罢权观念已经被批判教育理论视为重点. 如Freire和Gramsci所提出拒抗(resistance)理论,正是因应社会权力「再制」的产生.

2. 投敌者:Lahad proxy militia,拉哈德傀儡民兵,, | collaborators,投敌者,, | collaborators' militia,投敌民兵,,

collaborators 单语例句


1. Jailed collaborators tend to cite financial hardship for their recruitment by Israeli intelligence in its war with militant factions leading the revolt for statehood.

2. Zhang diplomatically refused to give examples, saying she didn't want to hurt the feelings of her collaborators.

3. As the cities became competitors rather than collaborators, huge investment went on creating unneeded duplication of plant and machinery.

4. Three women were gunned down Tuesday in one of Baghdad's Shiite neighborhoods for being alleged collaborators.

5. Xu Xiping and his Harvard collaborators explained the research purposes and procedures in far greater detail to the US investigators than to the Chinese farmers.

6. collaborators的翻译

6. He moves among heroic Chinese patriots, sniveling collaborators and sadistic Japanese.

7. collaborators的解释

7. Seven prime suspects are dead and two or three other suspected collaborators remain at large.

8. It was the third bombing this week targeting the beleaguered security forces, seen as collaborators with the United States and its allies.


9. " The flesh of collaborators is tastier than that of Americans, " the leaflets said.

10. People who help officials get bribes covertly can be convicted as " collaborators ".
