
collaborate [kəˈlæbəreɪt]  [kəˈlæbəˌret] 







collaborate 基本解释


不及物动词合作,协作; (国家间的)协调,提携; 勾结,通敌

collaborate 网络解释

1. 合作:型人才懂得开放(openness)、合作(collaborate),并且以全球为思考单位(think globally). 另外,卫星系统还提供电讯、视讯播送、全球定位系统以及全球数据传输等服务. 就连网际网路之父温瑟夫(Vint Cerf)博士也正在研究星际通讯,

2. 协作:据介绍,这一企业级社区网络之所以命名为明晰谷,即CLEAR,是缘于其将使企业管理更有效协作(Collaborate)、快速学习(Learn)、准确执行(Execute)、及时应用(Apply)以及广泛交流(Reach).

3. 串通:传销 pyramid selling | 串通 collaborate | 从宽处理 lenient punishment, liberal punishment

4. (文化,艺术)合作:labor 劳动 | collaborate (文化,艺术)合作 | cooperate 合作

collaborate 词典解释

1. 合作,协作(尤指著书或做研究)
    When one person or group collaborates with another, they work together, especially on a book or on some research.

    e.g. He collaborated with his son Michael on the English translation of a text on food production...
    e.g. The government is urging Japan's firms to collaborate with foreigners.

2. 通(敌);勾结(敌人)
    If someone collaborates with an enemy that is occupying their country during a war, they help them.

    e.g. He was accused of having collaborated with the secret police.

collaborate 单语例句

1. collaborate的意思

1. By and large, musicians here are willing to collaborate and many can be found milling about live venues.

2. collaborate的解释

2. The White House should know by now that it has to collaborate with the emerging economies of East Asia to revive the American economy.

3. Premier Wen also urged Hong Kong people to " accommodate and collaborate ".

4. They agreed to collaborate on customs and border patrols to simplify transit procedures and minimize the time needed for container trains to cross borders.

5. collaborate是什么意思

5. He suggests Chinese outsourcers collaborate with the research and development sites of multinationals in China, or partner in local markets with foreign IT firms.

6. Even ordinary soccer players knew how to collaborate with club managers or referees to have the result of a game fixed.

7. The third is that they can collaborate in persuading international oil companies to explore oil and gas deposits through joint venture developments.

8. Many of them choose to collaborate with Neusoft as they find it suits their strategic needs in both the Chinese and global markets.

9. The company said the technology will help customers reduce communication costs and enhance the way consumers and businesses connect and collaborate.

10. The two companies'complementary nature led them to collaborate to build a cleaner nickel production facility.

collaborate 英英释义


1. work together on a common enterprise of project

    e.g. The soprano and the pianist did not get together very well
           We joined forces with another research group

    Synonym: join forces cooperate get together

2. cooperate as a traitor

    e.g. he collaborated with the Nazis when they occupied Paris
