
coke [kəʊk]  [koʊk] 








coke 基本解释



coke 情景对话



B:Ugh. Another advertisement. They’ve added two hours of advertisements to a two hours movie.

A:Yeah. We’re never going to get to the end of this one.

B:Why are we watching it anyway?

A:Well, it does have a lot of girls in it.

B:True. True.

A:Do you think Bruce Willis just drank a Coke for his health?

B:Really? Did Coke pay him for that?

A:Of course.

B:You want something to drink?

A:Yeah, Got a Coke?


A:Hurry, the movie is coming back on.

Car Crash-(车祸)

A:That looks like a bad accident.

B:Yeah, should we get out and help?

A:No, there’s a police car behind us. He’ll stop.

B:Looks like the one guy lost control in all this rain, and the other one hit him.

A:Yeah. It’s pretty bad, that car looks like a coke can.

B:These accidents always cause traffic jams on rainy days.

A:Yeah, it looks like we’re in for a long drive.

B:Ah, well. Put on the news. I got up late and missed it.

A:All right.

coke 网络解释

1. 焦炭:主要产品: 海绵钛(T_HMt)焦炭(Coke)煤焦油(MJY)工业萘(NAI)蒽油酚油洗油硫酸铵(EFX)...主要产品: 生铁(SST)生铁(TST)钒渣(T_FZ)...主要产品: 焦炭(Coke)煤焦油(MJY)钢材(TGC)钒矿(T_Fk)铁合金(TQT)铁矿石(SST)...主要产品:

2. 可乐:可口可乐(可乐)(COKE)一名女职员涉嫌偷取可乐新产品的秘方及样品,转售予竞敌百事可乐(百事)(PEP),揭发被捕,6日上庭受审.

3. 可口可乐:可口可乐(COKE)光临球馆NBA中国赛媒体见面会:NBA总裁大卫-斯特恩 地点:君悦酒店(Grand Hyatt Hotel)保罗-弗尔曼和姚明在君悦酒店(Grand Hyatt Hotel)会面锐步在君悦酒店(Grand Hyatt Hotel)举办媒体见面会 姚明出席下午3:30-4:30 可口可乐(COKE)光临球馆

4. 焦碳:生产过程将矽砂、焦碳(Coke)、煤(Coal)及木屑等原料混合置於一石墨电弧沈浸(Submerged)之加热还原炉中於1500~2000℃高温加热,将氧化矽还原成矽,此时矽之纯度约98%左右,此一冶金提炼之矽,即称为冶金级矽(Metallurgical-grade Si),

coke 词典解释

1. 焦炭;焦煤
    Coke is a solid black substance that is produced from coal and is burned as a fuel.

    e.g. ...a coke-burning stove.

2. 同 cocaine
    Coke is the same as cocaine .

coke 单语例句

1. Coke oven gas is a byproduct of the manufacture of iron and steel.

2. Several years ago, low prices of coal and coke resulted in lower economic efficiency in the coal industry.

3. The plan says that some scarce and special coal like coke will be developed with protection and lignite will be developed in intensified efforts.

4. Sharp price growth in coking coal, the raw material for coke production.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. Currently coal prices in most regions remain stable, while coke and power coal in some regions witnessed price hikes.

6. Major export goods were coke and coal, accounting for 60% of the province's total.

7. It has the largest specialized coke terminal and the most professional coal terminal in the world.

8. Coco Chanel once said that she only drank from a Lalique glass, even when drinking coke.

9. Different kinds of drugs produce different kinds of behaviours - like coke makes you hyper and heroin kind of zombies you out.

10. Coke's statement came a day after two leading Indian industry bodies criticised the bans as potentially tarnishing India's investment image abroad.

coke 英英释义


1. street names for cocaine

    Synonym: blow nose candy snow C

2. coke

2. carbon fuel produced by distillation of coal


1. coke的解释

1. become coke

    e.g. petroleum oils coke after distillation
