
coffeehouse ['kɔ:fɪˌhaʊs]  ['kɔ:fɪˌhaʊs] 

coffeehouse 基本解释



coffeehouse 网络解释


1. 咖啡馆:虽说是咖啡店,却有着能做出法国料理的高级餐馆. 今天晚上也坐满了盛装打扮的上流阶层的人们. 莉迪亚若无其事地仰视着. 刻着夜莺馆的建筑物的墙面上,还紧挨着咖啡馆(coffeehouse)的文字和上世纪的年号.

2. 咖啡馆 (名):coffeecake 咖啡蛋糕 (名) | coffeehouse 咖啡馆 (名) | coffeepot 咖啡壶 (名)

coffeehouse 双语例句

1. Some mean guys at the coffeehouse took my hat.

2. Not Too Late may not be as barbed or alienating as either In Utero or Kid A -- it's not an ornery intensification of her sound nor a chilly exploration of its furthest limits -- but make no mistake, it is indeed a conscious abdication of her position as a comfortable coffeehouse crooner and a move toward art for art's sake.

3. After I get back from my niece's christening I'll go to the coffeehouse with you and we'll have a cup of coffee.


4. A New Orleans coffeehouse selling beignets, an insidious Louisianian cousin of the doughnut that exists to get powdered sugar on your face.

5. A New Orleans coffeehouse selling beignets, an insidious Louisianian cousin of the doughnut that exists to get powdered sugar on your faceLos Angeles Times


6. A New Orleans coffeehouse selling beignets, an insidious Louisianian cousin of the doughnut that exists to get powdered sugar on your facebLos Angeles Times

7. When I'm in a coffeehouse bopping along to one of your songs..

8. I got a job at a coffeehouse in Red Wing until I decided what to do next.

9. Q: What's your favorite coffeehouse?

10. I know the other day in the coffeehouse..

11. Phoebe: I think he's right. You guys hang out at the coffeehouse way too much.


12. And that I needed to talk to him so I'm going to meet him at the coffeehouse later.

13. I miss my family, the coffeehouse.

14. I met her in a small, untidy coffeehouse on the outskirts of London.

15. You know I thing this is better than the coffeehouse.

16. The coffeehouse will be closed for about an hour.

17. If you are wild about cultural exchange, please come to Firefly Coffeehouse and join us.


18. And I was working at a coffeehouse with my girlfriend.


19. I come to this coffeehouse often.

20. I was just out of college, and I was working at a coffeehouse with my girlfriend.

coffeehouse 单语例句

1. An anchor for a Chinese television led an online protest, saying the coffeehouse diminished Chinese culture.

2. Starbucks has long been both praised for bringing " coffeehouse culture " to the US and criticized for crushing smaller chains.

3. The available space in the old buildings is probably too small for an outlet of those giant coffeehouse chains.

coffeehouse 英英释义



1. coffeehouse

1. a small restaurant where drinks and snacks are sold

    Synonym: cafe coffee shop coffee bar
