
codes ['kəʊdz]  ['koʊdz] 






codes 基本解释
密码;法典;编码( code的名词复数 );代号;
codes 网络解释


1. 码:项目设计6 概念 标记语言:Markup Language的简写,由一些码(codes)或控制标记(tags)组成. 这些码、控制标记单独存在无意义只有结合文件信息才有意义. 标记语言可分特殊用途的标记语言(Speificl Markup Language)和一般通用的标记语言(Generalized Markup Language)

2. 规范:droog把旧货商店(junkshop)的美学,转化为高阶艺术,并把这样的外表,融入直接而有意识的控制系统操纵(说到底,这就是规范(codes)所代表的东西),而这么一来,droog可说是使出千方百计,制造出几乎要认得出来的风格.

3. 代码:□代码(codes)这个域包括:指示紧急需要的分组或这个分组是数据尾的代码. □滑动窗口(sliding window)提供一种增加分组体积的途径,从而改进数据传输的有效性. □分组头检验和(header checksum)提供一种错误检查的数值,

4. codes:communication detection system; 通信检测系统

codes 单语例句

1. So the community has worked out a set of secret codes only known by community members in order to deal with the dangers.

2. The defense contends the boys memorized security codes to enter the wine cellar and other areas without permission.

3. Users could also join an online community and trade for virtual money with codes on Coca Cola tins or bottles.

4. The ASME is the leading international developer of codes and standards associated with mechanical engineering in the world.

5. It sets engineering standards and codes and publishes technical books and a glossy magazine.

6. codes

6. The Advertising Standards Authority said the commercial breached codes dealing with evidence and accuracy.

7. QR codes are not only a marketing tool for commercial use, but are also gradually entering the public sphere.

8. Legal affairs departments will also review administrative regulations and codes before they are submitted to administrative heads for approval.

9. The regulations stipulate that administrative codes will be drafted by one department, even if the issue regulated in the code involves two or more government departments.

10. The legal codes should be made as detailed as possible to deal with every conceivable kind of online crime.
