code word

code word [kəud wə:d]  [kod wɚd] 

第三人称复数:code words

code word 基本解释


code word 网络解释


1. 码字:...学中,[[编码]]有更特定的意义:它意指以[[码字]](code word)取代特定的[[明文]]. 例如,以'苹果派'(apple pie)... ...]]与密码学中所称的[[钥匙|钥匙]](key)并不相同,即使两者间常有密切的关连. ...窗的电脑,若不能以上述方法输入时,

2. 字码:具有弹性 方法简单(2) 885 依据耐奎斯(Nyquist)理论,将类比信号转化为相当的数位信号,其取样的次(3) 890 下列哪个字码(code word)可通过奇同位元(odd parity)检查?

3. 编码字:那就是一根线传送的标准:(BIT-SERIAL INTERFACE)这里的串行是指在一个基本的编码字(Code word)里面Y/CB/CR是否是交织的,这个在后面我会写详细解释. 这里的串行可以是指在一个基本的编码字(Code word)里面Y/CB/CR是否是交织的. 有是并行的,没有串行的.

code word 词典解释
code word的意思

1. (事先约定的)代号,暗号
    A code word is a word or phrase that has a special meaning, different from its normal meaning, for the people who have agreed to use it in this way.

    e.g. ...magnum, the code word for launching a radar attack.

2. (尤指公众人物为避免某个词汇而使用的)代名词
    A code word is a word or phrase that someone, especially a public figure, uses in order to avoid saying something else.

    e.g. I think nationalism is just a code word for racism...
           我认为民族主义不过是种族主义的代名词 。
    e.g. 'Tired and emotional' is a code word for being drunk.

code word 单语例句

1. The technology in question gives Word users an improved way to edit XML, or code that tells the program how to interpret and display a document's contents.

2. Following the official code of conduct word for word could create more friction than happiness between parents and children.

3. The critical word on religious thriller " The Da Vinci Code " was worse.
