
coconut [ˈkəʊkənʌt]  [ˈkoʊkənʌt] 


coconut 基本解释


名词[植]椰子; [植]椰肉

coconut 相关例句


1. The cocoanut is particular to the tropics.

coconut 网络解释

1. 椰浆:为了制造出令人难忘的终结,Rock Princess被感性温暖的克什米尔香木(cashmere woods) 的香气笼罩著,还有烟熏的麝香(smoldering musk)、优雅的鸢尾花(iris)及幼滑的椰浆(coconut).

2. 椰子油:7、 椰子油( Coconut ) 未精练过的油含有50% lauric (酸性物质). 而精练过的椰子油,其成份更接近人类的皮下脂肪. 因为它不会腐臭,而且不会阻塞毛孔,这使得它成为在处理油性和问题肌肤的理想的油类. 然而由于部份的椰子油(或是refine过的)是经过热处理的,

coconut 词典解释

1. 椰子
    A coconut is a very large nut with a hairy shell, which has white flesh and milky juice inside it.

    e.g. ...the smell of roasted meats mingled with spices, coconut oil and ripe tropical fruits.

2. 椰肉
    Coconut is the white flesh of a coconut.

    e.g. ...desiccated coconut.

coconut 单语例句

1. The temperature dropped below 10 C for quite a long time in the southern metropolis, which is also known as a city of coconut trees.

2. coconut的反义词

2. You can just pull up your car and make a sweet stop, sipping a coconut ice drink from ubiquitous street vendors.

3. Particularly appropriate to the setting are the freshly squeezed sugar cane juice, and fresh coconut milk.

4. The black insect is less than 1 centimetre long, and can cause coconut trees to wither and die.

5. It's like eating a solid version of that popular Hong Kong caf favorite - iced red beans with crushed ice in chilled coconut milk.

6. Johnson then lost his endorsement deal with Zico Coconut Water on Wednesday.

7. I make a protein cookie where I substitute all the fatty ingredients with healthy ones, such as coconut oil and egg whites.

8. When I reached Hainan's sandy shores for the first time last year, the tourism potential was ripe as a coconut and ready to be picked.

9. The most popular product is the giraffe ornament made by dyed dry coconut tree leaves banded together.

10. Stake out a spot under a coconut tree with a book, build sand castles or dive into the humongous waves.

coconut 英英释义



1. large hard-shelled oval nut with a fibrous husk containing thick white meat surrounding a central cavity filled (when fresh) with fluid or milk

    Synonym: cocoanut

2. the edible white meat of a coconut
    often shredded for use in e.g. cakes and curries

    Synonym: coconut meat

3. tall palm tree bearing coconuts as fruits
    widely planted throughout the tropics

    Synonym: coconut palm coco palm coco cocoa palm coconut tree Cocos nucifera
