
cobra [ˈkəʊbrə]  [ˈkoʊbrə] 



cobra 基本解释


cobra 网络解释


1. 浴血擒魔:美国经典枪战动作电影<<浴血擒魔>>(Cobra) 史泰龙美国经典枪战动作电影<<浴血擒魔>>(Cobra) 史泰龙

2. 蛇紋:初期以黑色为基础,做出各式.绿的鱼,后来星加坡朝红色发展,而其中黄化红礼服在台湾俗称红苹果,而星加坡3/4黑礼服又称黑金钢,身体后半呈色即是礼服.4.蛇纹(Cobra)这是一种身体体色,另人有蛇皮的感觉,

3. 眼镜蛇式:久坐再加上抵挡不住美食的诱惑,长此下去定会出现大肚腩的困扰. 趁肚腩现形、手臂粗壮前,在你平时所学的瑜伽面拣几招主攻收腩,记住要持之以,距离昔日苗条的身材就不远矣. 初学者跟住做 a.眼镜蛇式( cobra ) 双手及肩膀阔度一样,手要在距离胸部位置撑

4. cobra:the consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act; 合并一般预算调解法

cobra 词典解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 眼镜蛇
    A cobra is a kind of poisonous snake that can make the skin on the back of its neck into a hood.

cobra 单语例句

1. The Cobra helicopters will be dispatched to Turkey in early January, the report said.

2. The cobra he had been raising as a pet plunged its venomous fangs into Li's body on Tuesday afternoon.

3. cobra的意思

3. Cobra bites can be fatal because of their deadly venom, but they only attack humans if they believe their survival is threatened.

4. cobra什么意思

4. Doctors were measured on their performance of the " cobra rope " drill, a standard laparoscopic training exercise used to teach how to sew up an internal wound.

5. The country has sent teams to observe military drills in India and Pakistan, as well as " Cobra Gold " drills between Thailand and the United States.

6. A puppy in Taiwan scared away an extremely poisonous king cobra and rescued its owner on Monday.

7. But the snake never hurts Bing and once drove away a cobra seeking to attack him.

8. " We needed a fightback and a fightback is under way, " Cameron said after a meeting of the government's Cobra emergency committee.

9. cobra的意思

9. Keating also said the US had " proposed " China's participation in the multilateral military exercise named " Cobra Gold " to be held in Thailand in May.

10. US Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter traveled to Thailand in late July, and praised the multilateral military exercise between the two countries known as Cobra Gold.

cobra 英英释义



1. venomous Asiatic and African elapid snakes that can expand the skin of the neck into a hood
