1. 俱乐部:□Club Drugs,在许多夜间俱乐部(clubs)里流传的药. 最常见的就是LSD(Acid)、安非他命、爱它死、毒冰与其他镇定剂. 无味无色的Rohypnol,常被不法之徒滥用,堪称迷奸药.
2. 梅花:w局部变量总是放在栈(stack)中w局部变量指向堆(heap)中的对象枚举(enum)值类型结构(struct)值类型类(class)引用类型接口(interface)引用类型委托(delegate)引用类型//Suit表示一副牌,它有4个花色:梅花(Clubs),方块(Diamonds),
3. 社团:(二)社团理论 社团(Clubs)理论或俱乐部理论是60年代以后发展起来的公共选择理论的一个分支. 严格地说,社团理论并非是研究公有制的理论,其最大的应用是用于分析政府权力分散化、等级制度以及财政联邦制等问题,
4. 会所:第二种,是性工作者长驻於酒吧或会所(clubs)中,顾客选中了就付款「坐台」(tabling),再相约性工作者於酒店或顾客家中交易,此模式於欧洲及泰国较为普遍. 第三种,是以按摩院形式运作,男按摩师除专业的按摩外,更可提供额外的服务.
1. Such clubs all have strict requirements about members'social status, business influence and wealth.
2. While it usually takes several hours to reach such clubs from the city center, this Pudong layout is easily accessible in 40 minutes by car.
3. clubs的近义词
3. European football's rulers have been stung into action by criticism that fines now mean little to wealthy clubs and national associations.
4. No further disciplinary action is expected following the FA's investigation of the alleged tunnel incident, although both clubs have been invited to attend a peace meeting.
5. clubs
5. Bo Van Pelt's caddie carries his clubs during the final round of the CIMB Asia Pacific Classic in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday.
6. The remaining seven ties have been postponed until next month at the request of clubs exercising the option due to international call ups.
7. It has been rocked with corruption scandals this season and has seen its top clubs call for a reform and threaten to pull out.
8. 911查询·英语单词
8. Other martial arts clubs in Beijing are also witnessing booms in business following six campus attacks in the last 50 days across the country.
9. NBA clubs previously dictated their own cardiac prevention programs but a standard program was sought to prevent situations like Curry's condition from recurring.
10. 911查询·英语单词
10. AMSTERDAM - Ajax Amsterdam coach Henk Ten Cate is set to join Chelsea after the two clubs reached agreement on Monday.