
cloudless [ˈklaʊdləs]  [ˈklaʊdləs] 

cloudless 基本解释



cloudless 网络解释

1. 晴朗的:cloudland 云 | cloudless 晴朗的 | cloudlet 微云

2. 无云:cloudburst process 喷丸硬化法 | cloudless 无云 | clouds and collision warning 烟云及防撞警报

3. 无动的:christless 不信奉基督的 | cloudless 无动的 | clueless 愚蠢的

4. 無雲;碧空:cloudiness 雲量 | cloudless 無雲;碧空 | cloudlet 小雲塊

cloudless 词典解释

1. 无云的;晴朗的
    If the sky is cloudless, there are no clouds in it.

cloudless 单语例句

1. Video images showed the rocket soaring into a cloudless sky, with other pictures from mission control showing a video feed of Yang inside the capsule.

2. cloudless的反义词

2. A cloudless blue sky made the granite cliffs appear deep pink and the greenery clean and vivid.

3. The massive American troop movement began before dawn today on a moonless and cloudless night.

4. To see the problem in China, do nothing more than fly on a clear cloudless day between Beijing and Shanghai.

5. He looked exhausted after all his cheering and drum pounding in the cloudless, scorching Beijing morning.

6. cloudless的意思

6. An unmanned Atlas 5 rocket lifted off into a cloudless sky Saturday afternoon from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

7. Tourists and locals tucked into Bavarian wurst and beer under a cloudless sky.

cloudless 英英释义



1. cloudless的意思

1. free from clouds

    e.g. under a cloudless sky

    Synonym: unclouded
