close out

close out [kləuz aut]  [kloz aʊt] 

close out 基本解释

close out的意思


close out 相关例句


1. The company is closing out their entire supply of men's clothing.

2. The factory was then threatened with being closed out.

close out 网络解释

1. 平仓:close of financial year 财政年度终结 | close out 平仓 | close out a long position 平长仓

2. 抛售:close one's ears 不听 | close out 抛售 | close over 淹没

3. 平仓,结清(帐):20 Margin call 追加保证金的通知 | 21 Close out 平仓,结清(帐) | 22 Notional sum 名义金额

4. 结清:60. Summary account 汇总账户 | 61. Close out 结清 | 62. Closing entry 结账分录

close out 单语例句

1. Bryant hit a two pointer at the buzzer to close out the scoring.

2. Another close call came when he nearly ran out of water after three days in the desert wilderness of Ningxia Hui autonomous region.

3. Authorities have said that although the two had enough guns to create carnage, they never got close to carrying out their plans.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. Australia's Adam Scott hopes to develop the same kind of ruthless streak that helps Tiger Woods close out tournaments from the front.

5. Residents in communities close by soon found out pollutants emitting from the site pose health risks to them.

6. More than 20 batches of products suspected of intellectual property rights infringement were kicked out and five stores asked to close down.

7. close out的翻译

7. The ministry asked local authorities to keep a close watch on the market, and work out contingency plans to cope with increased demand for oil during the winter.

8. The perfect opportunity for seedling transplant does not come easily because leading local players often close out newcomers to protect their market.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. " I played well but couldn't close out the match, " Federer said.

10. The musician is performing at a fundraiser for the former presidential candidate as she tries to close out her campaign debt.

close out 英英释义


1. terminate

    e.g. We closed out our account

2. close out的翻译

2. terminate by selling off or disposing of

    e.g. He closed out his line of sports cars

3. close out

3. make impossible, especially beforehand

    Synonym: preclude rule out
