1. And these words were, to me, as the notes of bells, the sounds of musical instruments, the noises of wind, sea and rain, the rattle of milk carts, the clopping of hooves on cobbles, the fingering of branches on a window pane, might be to someone deaf from birth, who has miraculously found his hearing.
这些话,对我来说,作为债券的编钟,声音的乐器,发出的噪音风,海雨,手摇铃,牛奶推车,clopping的蹄对cobbles ,指法的分支机构的一个窗口窗格中,可能是有人置若罔闻,从出生起,他已奇迹般地发现他的听力。
2. I caused much hilarity clopping around the kitchen like a bow-legged pantomime dame with third-degree piles.
3. The hush amplified the sounds of the cortège as it set out from Kensington Palace: the rumble of wheels on tarmac, the clopping of horses'hooves, and a bell that tolled at listless intervals.
4. The outside world may see an unvarying kingdom of royal weddings, golden carriages and clip-clopping Horse Guards, with a young prime minister drawn from the old Establishment.
5. There was the wonder I felt when I saw a brace of mountain like, spotted, black-and-white horses clopping down a dusty road through clouds of powdered clay.